How to Move on From an Ex When You Have Lingering Feelings

Are you having a hard time getting over your ex? Here are a few tips that will help.

Lingering feelings for an ex can be hard to process. It’s important to understand why these feelings are occurring so that you can take the necessary steps in order to heal and move on with your life. In this blog post, we will discuss what lingering feelings for an ex mean, identify signs that you may still have feelings for your former partner, understand the causes of lingering feelings, and learn how to work through those lingering emotions.

Table of Contents

Definition of Lingering Feelings for an Ex

Lingering feelings for an ex refer to any persistent thoughts or emotions that remain after a relationship has ended. These can include anything from moments of nostalgia or regret, to still having strong romantic or sexual desires for your former partner. Regardless of their source, these lingering feelings can be difficult to handle and can interfere with the process of healing and moving forward.

A. Thinking About Your Former Partner Often

Thinking about your former partner often can be a sign that you still have lingering feelings for them. This could manifest in a variety of ways, such as remembering moments from the relationship, feeling drawn to look at old photos or mementos, or even just randomly reminiscing about the time you shared together. On a deeper level, it could also indicate a longing for the emotional connection or security that you felt in the relationship.

B. Being Drawn to Similar People

Another sign that you may still have lingering feelings for your former partner is if you find yourself drawn to people who remind you of them. This could take the form of being attracted to someone with similar physical characteristics or having a tendency to seek out people with similar personalities and interests.

C. Causes of Lingering Feelings for an Ex

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to lingering feelings for an ex. These can include unresolved issues from the relationship, fear of being alone or moving on, unresolved attraction, or even just not wanting to let go of the past. It is important to identify these root causes in order to begin the healing process and move on with your life.

D. How to Work Through Lingering Feelings for an Ex

In order to work through lingering feelings for an ex, it is important to first recognize and accept that they exist. Once you have done this, it is important to begin addressing the underlying issues that led to these feelings in the first place. This could involve seeking professional counseling or engaging in self-reflection and journaling. Additionally, focusing on yourself and your own well-being can be immensely helpful in allowing you to heal and move forward with your life.

E. Poor Self-Image and Low Confidence Levels


Poor self-image and low confidence levels can often be a result of lingering feelings for an ex. These feelings can make it difficult to move on with your life and can lead to negative thoughts about oneself.

Negative thoughts can cause a person to have a poor self-image, which is the inability to perceive oneself in a positive light. Low confidence levels can make it difficult to take risks or engage in activities that can help you heal and move on with your life. It is important to address these issues in order to begin the healing process and let go of lingering feelings for an ex.

Understanding the Causes of Lingering Feelings

When attempting to understand lingering feelings for an ex, it is important to identify the causes of these sentiments. Common causes may include a sense of unfinished business with your partner or fear that you won’t find someone better than your former relationship. Other potential causes are due to unresolved issues, such as not fully understanding why the relationship ended and feeling like there are still aspects of the relationship that need to be addressed. It may also be difficult to let go of the positive memories shared in the relationship, as these can make it hard to move on.

A. Unresolved Conflict from the Past Relationship

Unresolved conflict from the past relationship can be one of the main causes of lingering feelings for an ex. This could stem from feeling like there were still unresolved issues when the relationship ended, or feeling as if you weren’t given the chance to address all aspects of your partnership before it ended. This unresolved conflict can lead to strong emotions of sadness, regret, and longing.

B. Fear of Not Finding Someone Better

Fear of not finding someone better than your ex can also be a cause of lingering feelings. This fear can lead to difficulty in moving on because you begin to believe that no other relationship will compare or be as good as the one you had with your former partner. It is important to remember that every relationship is different and has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that no other person can compare to your ex.

C. Positive Memories of the Past Relationship

It can also be hard for some people to let go of the positive memories shared in the past relationship. These memories can make it difficult to move on and create a barrier between you and any potential new relationships. It is important to acknowledge these positive memories, but also be aware of how they may be preventing you from fully letting go and embracing a future with someone else.

Through understanding the causes of lingering feelings for an ex, you can begin to take steps towards healing and moving on with your life. By recognizing the potential causes of these feelings, it is possible for you to work through them and create a healthier future for yourself.

D. Finding Ways to Heal

Once the causes of lingering feelings have been identified, it is important to find ways to begin healing from the past relationship. This could include talking to a therapist or trusted friend about your emotions, writing out how you feel in a journal, and/or engaging in activities that make you happy. It is also important to establish boundaries with your ex if needed so that you can create space for yourself and focus on moving forward rather than dwelling on the past.

E. Moving On with Your Life

Through self-reflection, healing, and establishing boundaries, it is possible to move on from an ex and create a healthier future for yourself. It may take some time to fully let go of lingering feelings and accept all that has happened in the past relationship, but it is important to remember that with patience and dedication, you can find peace.

Although lingering feelings for an ex can be hard to process, it is important to understand why these emotions are occurring so that you can work through them and move on. By acknowledging the potential causes of these feelings, finding ways to heal, and creating boundaries when necessary, you can begin to create a healthier future for yourself.

Working Through Lingering Feelings for an Ex

It is normal to have lingering feelings for an ex. Many people struggle with unresolved emotions about their former partner in the aftermath of a breakup or divorce. These feelings can manifest as love, nostalgia, sadness, guilt, anger, and even envy. It’s important to understand the cause of these lingering feelings so that you can work through them and move on with your life.

Recognizing and accepting that you are experiencing lingering feelings for an ex can be difficult. It often means coming to terms with the fact that things didn't work out as you had hoped or wanted them to. Examining the underlying causes of these lingering emotions is a necessary step in order to move forward.

A. Acknowledging Your Feelings and Not Suppressing Them

Acknowledging your feelings for your former partner can be one of the most difficult aspects of dealing with lingering emotions. It is understandable that you may want to suppress these feelings or ignore them, but this can be detrimental to your emotional and mental wellbeing. In order to move forward, it is important to recognize the presence of those emotions and work through them.

– You will be more in touch with your feelings.

– You will be better able to communicate your feelings.

– You will be more understanding of others’ feelings.

– You will be less likely to bottle up your emotions.

– You will be better able to process your emotions in a healthy way and make sound decisions.

B. Identifying Signs that You May Have Feelings for Your Ex

Although it is normal to feel sadness or even anger after a breakup, lingering feelings may present themselves differently. These can include: feeling anxious when thinking about your ex, daydreaming about them more than usual, wanting to reach out and make contact, and feeling jealous when they move on. If you identify with any of these signs, it may be an indication that you still have feelings for your former partner.

Before: You’re not sure if you still have feelings for your ex, and you want to know how to tell. You’ve been trying to move on but you can’t stop thinking about them!

After: After reading this guide, you will be able to identify the signs that show you may still have feelings for your ex. This means that you can take the necessary steps to moving on and forgetting about them for good.

If you’re not sure whether or not you still have feelings for your ex, then this guide is perfect for you. It will help you identify the signs that show whether or not it’s time to move on.

C. Causes of Lingering Feelings

When it comes to lingering feelings for an ex, there are many potential causes. It’s important to understand where these feelings come from so that you can better deal with them and move on with your life.

One possible cause of lingering feelings is unfulfilled expectations. If a relationship ended before either partner could experience or fulfill the expectations they had, then it can be difficult to move on. This is especially true if a person had strong emotional attachments to their partner and felt as though they were not getting the same level of satisfaction in return.

Another potential cause of lingering feelings is unresolved regret or guilt. If a person was hurt during the relationship or felt like they did not act in the best interests of their partner, they may be struggling to forgive themselves and move on. Additionally, if someone was dumped or left unexpectedly, they may be struggling with feelings of abandonment or rejection.

D. Make Positive Changes in Your Life That Bring Fulfillment

Once you understand the source of your lingering feelings, it can be helpful to make positive changes in your life that bring you fulfillment. This could range from taking up a new hobby or volunteering more often to spending more time with friends and family who care about you. The important thing is to focus on activities that foster emotional well-being and help you to move on from the past.

When you find yourself struggling to let go of your lingering feelings for an ex, it may be helpful to channel that energy into positive changes in your life. These could take the form of self-care activities, such as exercise or meditation, or even taking up a new hobby.

It is also important to practice self-care and be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that feelings are just feelings and don’t have to control your life. It can also help to talk to a trusted friend, therapist, or counselor if you feel like the lingering feelings are overwhelming.  


Lingering feelings for an ex can be difficult to process, but it is possible to move on. By understanding the source of these feelings and taking steps to make positive changes in your life that bring fulfillment, you can work through these emotions and start living a more fulfilling life. With self-care and support from friends or counselors, you can learn to let go of your lingering feelings and embrace the future.

Although it will take time, endurance, and a willingness to grow the relationship, you can get your ex back by sending text messages. When texting your ex, demonstrate that you value them and are committed to repairing things between the two of you.

Hopefully, this blog post has provided you with some insight into the causes of lingering feelings for an ex, as well as tips on how to work through them and move forward in life. Remember that it is possible to get past these emotions and find new happiness and fulfillment.

Take the first step today and start your journey towards emotional healing and recovery. Good luck!


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