10 Porn Addiction Resources To Help Someone Recover

10 Porn Addiction Resources To Help Someone Recover

Recovering from porn addiction in 2024 is way easier than it was 20 years ago, thanks to numerous resources available that can provide support and guidance.

Recovering from porn addiction can have tremendous benefits for one’s mental and physical health. However, the road to recovery can be paved with obstacles and challenges, which is why it’s important to consider external help and resources.

Here are some of the most effective resources for those looking to recover from porn addiction:

1. Therapy and Counseling

  • Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSATs): These therapists specialize in treating sex and porn addiction. They can provide tailored treatment plans, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is effective for addiction.
  • Psychologists and Counselors: Licensed mental health professionals can offer therapy to address the underlying issues related to addiction, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.

2. Support Groups

  • Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA): A 12-step program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, offering meetings and support for those struggling with sex and porn addiction.
  • NoFap Community: An online forum that provides support and resources for people looking to quit porn and masturbation. The community is active, with forums, success stories, and daily challenges. This type of forum constantly reminds you that you are not alone!
  • Reboot Nation: An online community focused on helping people “reboot” their brains by quitting porn. The site offers forums, educational resources, and success stories.
  • SMART Recovery: This organization offers a science-based, secular alternative to 12-step programs. It includes meetings, tools, and techniques to help with addiction recovery.

3. Books

For those that enjoy reading, there are plenty of books that have addressed the issue of porn addiction and that offer practical ways to recovery. Here are some books we recommend:

  • “Your Brain on Porn” by Gary Wilson: This book explores the science behind porn addiction and offers practical advice on recovery.
  • “The Porn Trap” by Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz: This book provides strategies for overcoming porn addiction and rebuilding relationships.
  • “Out of the Shadows” by Patrick Carnes: A foundational book on understanding and recovering from sex addiction.

4. Apps and Online Tools

If books aren’t your thing and you are more of an “app person”, there are plenty of apps that can help you in your road to porn addiction recover, such as:

  • Fortify: An app designed to help individuals quit pornography by providing daily check-ins, educational content, and progress tracking.
  • Covenant Eyes: An accountability software that monitors internet use and sends reports to an accountability partner, helping users avoid pornographic content.
  • Brainbuddy: An app that provides a recovery program for those addicted to porn, with tools and techniques to help rewire the brain.

5. Educational Resources

  • YourBrainOnPorn.com: A comprehensive website that provides information on how pornography affects the brain and offers resources for recovery.
  • Fight the New Drug: An organization that raises awareness about the harmful effects of pornography through research and personal stories, offering resources for those seeking recovery.

6. Accountability Partners

  • Accountability Software: Using tools like Covenant Eyes or Ever Accountable can help by sharing browsing habits with a trusted partner who provides support and encouragement.
  • Peer Support: Engaging with someone who has experience overcoming addiction or joining a support group can provide a sense of accountability.

7. Spiritual and Faith-Based Resources

  • Celebrate Recovery: A Christian-based recovery program that offers support for a wide range of addictions, including pornography.
  • Pure Desire Ministries: Provides resources, counseling, and support groups for individuals and couples affected by sexual addiction, from a Christian perspective.

8. Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Headspace and Calm: Apps that offer guided meditations to help manage stress, anxiety, and cravings associated with addiction.
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): Programs and resources that teach mindfulness techniques, which can help in breaking addiction cycles.

9. Lifestyle Changes

  • Exercise and Physical Activity: Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood, which are crucial in managing addiction.
  • Healthy Diet and Sleep: Maintaining a healthy diet and getting adequate sleep are essential for mental and emotional well-being, supporting recovery.

10. Educational Videos and Courses

  • Ted Talks and YouTube Channels: There are various educational videos on platforms like YouTube that discuss porn addiction and recovery strategies. Look for content from reputable sources or experts in the field.

Recovering from porn addiction is a journey that requires commitment, support, and the right resources. It’s important to explore different options to find what works best for you. Most importantly, it’s important that you remain patient and persistent throughout the recovery process. It’s like going to the gym, results don’t happen overnight. Embrace the journey and trust the process. Good luck!


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